Laboratory 10.
Sequential logic


1. Latches.
2. Flip-flops.
3. Finite states machines.

1. Latches

Build a latch using only NAND gates.
Figure 1 presents the schematic of a RS latch:

Figure 1 - RS latch

Verify the truth table for this type of latch.
Build a D latch, starting from RS latch.
Verify the functionality for D latch.

2. Flip flops

Using the 7474 integrated circuit, verify the functionality of the D flip flop.

Figure 2: 7474 IC

Create a circuit who act as a T flip flop, using 7474 IC.

3. Finite State Machines

Create a schematic for a 2 bits gray counter, using 7474 IC.
Implement e bits gray counter and verify its functionality.

Create a 2 bits up/down binary counter.
Implement this counter and verify the functionality.